First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment (growing out a previous Keratin)
First Appointment (growing out a previous Keratin)
First Appointment (growing out a previous Keratin)
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
Client Selfie after First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
After (small trim but rehydrated)
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment (fixing a ‘self cut’)
First Appointment (fixing a ‘self cut’)
First Appointment (fixing a ‘self cut’)
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
same client, highlights, 8 months after First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
RezoCurl class (my model) Before
RezoCurl Class (my model) After
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment (client dealing with medical hair loss)
First Appointment (client dealing with medical hair loss)
First Appointment (fixing a ‘self cut’)
First Appointment (fixing a ‘self cut’)
First Appointment (fixing a ‘self cut’)
First Appointment (fixing a ‘self cut’)
First Appointment
Same client fantasy color
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment
First Appointment